ahojky.rad bych vedel jakou hodnotu ma v dnesni dobe plazma panasonic TH-42PA20(uhlopricka je 106) a za kolik ji jde v dnesni dobe prodat.je neposkozena,nevypalena a samozrejme nekradena 😀
Wedding Venues in Delhi is here to help you find and book the perfect place for your special day. We offer a range of wedding services to make your wedding planning easy and stress-free. We can also customize your wedding according to your budget and preferences.
3 komentáře
Re: panasonic th-42pa20
Ve své době podle testu http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/home_av/tvs/0,39037588,39074893p,00.htm slušná telka.
Dnes odhaduji cenu okolo 12 000 Kč. ❓
and really like the products of Panasonic it provides with great quality and assurance.for ISO certification in Saudi Arabia contact us.
Wedding Venues in Delhi is here to help you find and book the perfect place for your special day. We offer a range of wedding services to make your wedding planning easy and stress-free. We can also customize your wedding according to your budget and preferences.