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TZ – AMD připravila ovladače pro Windows 8

18. 09. 2011

18. 09. 2011

Společnost AMD vydala následující tiskovou zprávu, která informuje vytvoření ovladačů pro připravovaný operační systém Windows 8. Nové ovladače umožní podporu Windows 8 pro všechna zařízení, která jsou postavena na platformě AMD (tablety, netbooky, stolní i přenosné počítače, pracovní stanice a servery). Pokračuje tak dlouhodobá úzká spolupráce společností AMD a Microsoft zaměřená na vývoj inovativních počítačů a malých přenosných zařízení.





AMD Set to Deliver Next Generation x86 Platforms for Windows 8


−AMD and Microsoft collaborate to enrich computing experience across tablets, notebook and desktop PCs, workstations and servers−



BUILD Conference, ANAHEIM, Calif. — Sept. 13, 2011 — AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced today that it has created drivers to enable support for the upcoming Windows 8 operating system on AMD-based tablets, netbooks, PCs and servers. Continuing a long history of collaboration, AMD is working closely with Microsoft to empower a new generation of innovative PCs and small form factor computing devices.


Currently available Windows 7-based PCs powered by AMD VISION technology deliver multi-core processing for amazing performance, discrete-level graphics for brilliant HD experiences, and AMD AllDay™ Power for entertainment on the go. Furthermore, AMD VISION Engine Software is uniquely tailored to unlock visual computing with AMD Radeon™ Cores and video accelerators that enable vivid HD, AMD Steady Video software* and accelerated applications like blazing fast Internet browsing.


For business customers, the combination of AMD Opteron processors and Windows Server helps deliver a solid foundation for long-term value and leading-edge price performance, enabling cost-effective virtualization, versatile Web and application serving, and capacity-rich data management.


“The unparalleled combination of AMD APU technology and Windows 8 will enable incredibly immersive and brilliant computing experiences,” said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, AMD Product Group. “With more than 320 design wins for our industry-leading APU technology to date, and a long history of innovation, AMD delivers the ideal platforms to bring Windows 8 to life on tablets, netbooks, notebooks and desktop PCs, leveraging the full performance of 64-bit x86 computing, the most pervasive and robust ecosystem.”


“We are excited about the immense potential for outstanding experiences that will be enabled by Windows 8 running on AMD-based PCs and tablets,” said Mike Angiulo, corporate vice president of Windows Planning, Hardware and PC Ecosystem at Microsoft Corp. “From enabling the latest 3D graphics for games to HD video creation and playback, AMD is accelerating the performance of applications by making it easier for developers to harness the full compute capabilities of a range of devices.”


As the only supplier offering Accelerated Processing Units (APUs), CPUs and discrete GPUs, AMD offers a broad range of computing platforms, including notebook and desktop PCs, tablets, workstations and servers, that are ideally suited to support Windows 8 and offer compatibility with a pervasive x86 ecosystem. AMD technology offers a compelling platform for the forthcoming Windows 8, with native support for Microsoft DirectX® 11, C++ AMP, OpenCL and Accelerated HTML5, as well as planned support of DirectX 11.1 features.


AMD PC and Server Platforms for Windows 8

·        AMD Z-Series family of APUs for HD tablets

·        AMD C-Series and E-Series APU families for ultrathin and mainstream notebooks and netbooks

·        AMD A-Series family of APUs for high-performance notebooks and desktops

·        Forthcoming AMD FX 8-Core Processor Black Edition for high-performance desktops

·        AMD FirePro professional graphics for desktops and workstations

·        AMD Radeon graphics for desktop and notebook PCs and embedded applications

·        AMD Radeon embedded graphics for mobile

·        AMD Opteron 6000 Series platform offering the industry’s only twelve-core x86 processor for servers

·        AMD Opteron 4000 Series platform including the world’s lowest power-per-core server processor


Along with the broad range of computing platforms and processors available this year from AMD, products slated for next year include two new notebook PC APUs codenamed “Krishna” and “Trinity”. The “Trinity” APU, which will be based on the “Bulldozer” x86 core with support for UVD and DirectX 11 for brilliant graphics, is expected to consume less than half the power of today’s lowest power AMD A-Series APU, bringing performance computing to ultrathin notebooks, with software drivers optimized for Windows 8. Continued enhancements to the low-power PC platform based on AMD C-Series and E-Series APU families also are expected, building on the tremendous success of these products.


To learn more about how AMD technology and Windows 8 will redefine the computing experience, visit AMD at booth #5 at the BUILD conference.





About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) is a semiconductor design innovator leading the next era of vivid digital experiences with its groundbreaking AMD Fusion Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) that power a wide range of computing devices. AMD’s server computing products are focused on driving industry-leading cloud computing and virtualization environments. AMD’s superior graphics technologies are found in a variety of solutions ranging from game consoles, PCs to supercomputers. For more information, visit http://www.amd.com.

* AMD Steady Video is a technology designed to eliminate shakes and jitters during the playback of home video. Users may turn on this technology via the AMD Catalyst Control Center or the VISION Engine Control Center application. AMD Steady Video will work with content that can run on Adobe® Flash® Player 10.2 (and later versions) or on any player which has been programed to use AMD’s decode acceleration (DXVA) engine. AMD Steady Video is not designed to (a) isolate overlays, logos or captions, or (b) improve the playback of letter boxed, premium/commercial, or interlaced content. AMD Steady Video is only recommended for use with videos that contain unwanted shakes and jitters.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo,Opteron, Radeon, FirePro and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.  Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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